Leif Trygg

A young person with green eyes, long blonde hair, tan skin, and freckles
Name Leif Trygg
Hometown Lyngvi, Tundrikhan
Year of Birth 1124
Species Human
Gender Identity Non-binary (they/them)
Height (ft) 5'7''
Eye Color Green
Skin Color
Family Father - Palda Trygg (deceased)
Mother - Marika Trygg
Affiliations Jasper Black - Ice - Best Friend/Traveling Companion
Hallyr Somerlynd - Traveling Companion
Aera - Traveling Companion


Leif Trygg was born under strange circumstances, when Leif drew their first breath their father dropped dead. Immediately Leif was seen as an omen of some kind. Leif's mother was a fortune teller and was naturally determined to discover exactly what the death of her husband meant for their family. She developed an obsession, using runes to predict the outcome of every day and every action Leif tried to take as they grew. Not particularly superstitious, Leif found themselves resenting home, so as soon as they were old enough they spent their time alone on the beaches of Lyngvi. 

With age, Leif developed the affliction that their mother predicted, a worsening burning pain in their chest. As it only grew stronger with anger, Leif avoided their mother as much as possible. The affliction manifested in other ways as well, such as odd beams of light breaking from their skin. It was as if a small sun was attempting to shine from within. These lights burned uncontrollably causing Leif great pain. These bursts of pain accompanied by anger also came with destructive force, undeniably magic of some kind, though whether it is a curse or blessing in disguise is yet to be seen. Determined not to harm anyone Leif decidedly spent their time training their body and mind alone on the long sprawling beaches of their hometown. However their solitude could not be preserved forever.

Training and extensive tutoring left Leif well-prepared for political affairs as Leif had inherited their father's position as the head of the town. Marika, their mother, had been a serviceable head for many years after Palda's death but eventually, she succumbed to her obsession and struggled to manage the growing town. At just the age of 12, they were overseeing the markets and trials. Not long after the council of Askr took notice of Lyngvi, a previously small fishing town that had been experiencing an economic boom. At 15 Leif was offered a position on the council, an offer that meant they could escape their mother and live free of the accursed runes they were supposedly meant to live and die by. Leif took the offer and frantically ran to their escape, as they did their mother gave one final prediction, they would die soon. They would never return home. Aggravated by yet another prediction, Leif left with no proper goodbye except a grumbled farewell.

Now having served the council for 2 years Leif is regarded as overly ambitious, somewhat obnoxious, but undeniably good at politics. Their wit coupled with their fighting prowess establishes them as a formidable figure regardless of their age.