Born in the secluded town of Aurvand to two deeply religious parents, Hallyr was viewed as a blessing. He was born after a terrible magic surge ravaged the town. His bioluminescent hair and glowing eyes were viewed as a sign of his ability. Immediately, Hallyr's parents handed him over to Bodyll, the local healer.
From a young age, Hallyr was a healer for the community; he was compelled by a duty instilled in him by Bodyll, a harsh and unforgiving teacher. The health of the community rested on both of them. Bound by this duty Hallyr was a perfectionist and cared greatly about the communities approval. He was seen as a blessing from Askerah, and many great things were expected of him.
At 19, Hallyr was settled into his role, if not still a bit anxious about his community's thoughts about him. An unexpected magic surge drove its way through the town, similar to the one that happened just before his birth. As a result, the town was overtaken by a plague. This illness began as nothing but coughs but quickly grew into wheezes for air and blood filling the lungs. Desperate to save his town Hallyr stopped sleeping and worked himself to exhaustion. His efforts were to no avail, the people of Aurvand began to die in droves. Not even Bodyll was spared. Miraculously, or perhaps by design, Hallyr was seemingly immune to it all. He remained in perfect health, albeit overworked. Heartbroken and without community Hallyr left the now ghost town of Aurvand and began to take odd jobs as a traveling doctor.
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