Born of an elvish mother Aricin was set up for failure in some way. Alri was a traumatized and quiet woman. She loved her son dearly but also struggled to function in the loud rambunctious society she had married into. As a result, Aricin turned to his father for guidance. A loud callous man, Saja taught his son arrogance. Aricin grew with his ego which was only bolstered by his natural fighting ability.
As Aricin grew he began to look to the wilds, hoping he could prove his skills by slaying the large creatures there. With his father's encouragement, he ventured to the Vestrir forest, and not long after the Stokkren mountains. On his journey, he encountered a lost emaciated elven man named Verin. This man looked to him for help, eager to help a fellow elf and learn of his people Aricin was more than willing. It was after this encounter that he found himself becoming more spiritual. The teachings of Askerah that Verin shared offered a connection to Aricin's lost culture that his mother was reluctant to share. He found Askerah very responsive to his prayers, they spoke to him directly, and Verin as well. The two found themselves compelled by Askerah to travel south, and that they did.
Reaching Adal the two began to preach, not sure what the end goal of Askerah was. Soon their preaching was abandoned however as the two saw how dire circumstances were for the people of Temyl. They turned from preaching to protecting the people. Verin and Aricin settled in the town, now determined to protect its innocence. As the two fought back the beasts of the Tar Lands they found themselves bonding. With their closeness came love, the first either had ever experienced. Fueled by their newfound love they managed to protect Temyl for months, but their presence in the south and their evangelizing did not go unnoticed. It was not long until the military was sent to eliminate the 'threat'.
General Priska along with a battalion marched into the town, indiscriminately killing, they had all been labeled traitors for not immediately turning in Aricin and Verin for their heretical preaching. As Priska burned the town she encountered Verin and burned him alive. Aricin witnessing this tried desperately to save him and fight off Priska but only received a deep gash in his face in return. Unable to see out of one eye and badly burned Aricin fell unconscious. Thinking him dead Priska finished her culling of the innocent town and returned to Hochburgs military barracks.
After this encounter, barely alive and scarred Aricin retreated. How he had lived he could not understand, but internally he knew that Askerah had intervened in some way. He returned home, quiet and noticeably less arrogant. Once back home he was greeted with the news of his mother's passing after succumbing to illness. After only moments to mourn he was questioned about his journey and only gave curt answers. Aricin took up his father's councilman duties as a changed man, determined to not fall into hubris again. He is still haunted by his foolishness in Adal and his blind faith. He finds himself nonchalantly fulfilling his duties with his mind elsewhere as he is filled with doubts about Askerah's true motives and validity.
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